Quick Questions - Charles Dedman (OF 2004 - 09)
Friday, 5 October 2018
I am Charles Dedman, I was at Frensham from Sep 2004 to June 2009 and I am now a Furniture Designer-Maker. What is your earliest memory of arriving at Frensham? My earliest memory of Frensham was the creative clothes of my peers and how long Frensham drive felt! Which book changed your life? I always struggled with reading, despite extra support at Frensham so haven’t read a lot. Guess whats why I make! Its my red 1989 Volvo Estate - the furniture makers dream machine What is the worst job you’ve done? My worst job was night stacking at a local supermarket, whilst I returned to college after University to study fine furniture making. It was meant to be for Christmas but lasted for 5 months! There is something very wrong with having lunch at 3am but I learnt what it means to work through the tiredness and focus on the task in hand - essential for my furniture career. What was your greatest adventure? Its a bit of a cliche but I had great trip to Cambodia in 2012, travelling around and meeting the locals. But I guess I’m 3 years into my greatest adventure and challenge of sustaining myself as a furniture designer maker. To whom would you most like to say sorry, and why? I would like to say sorry to the late great Lynne Elgy who taught me Science, Outdoor Education and a bit about life whilst at Frensham. I only realised in my final years at Frensham what a lovely lady she was and I should have tried harder in her lessons in my GCSEs. Name three things that Frensham taught you (that is still useful today)? - Be nice to people - Work hard - Never judge too early You can read more about Charles at his website: www.charlesdedman.co.uk If you’d like to take part, then please just send your answers (preferably with a photo of yourself) and I’ll include it in a future edition. Submit Story |